Thursday, 10 May 2012

This project is on the body, which involves measurement in relation to the body and body parts.

These fragments of clay I laid out in the shape of the measurement of my body, initial I had used these when I had made small cerebal like forms from a previous  project.I had left the clay fragements in the form of the body for a few days then I began to expkore the idea of transforming it some more hence in a fit of pique I sprayed it red using red paint from a spray tube which was reckless and feckless moment of faustianism.

I  began my initial drawing of my body on calico cloth, with the help of Helen and Gerry who drew my outline on paper on calico.Then both Michael and Sara suggested to do it myself rather than have other people do it, so I did.

These nail paintings, are a weight of my own nails over twenty years of nail growth calculated with the aid of computer science.Then I glued them on paper.

This is the outline of my body which I marked with chalk. I  stripped off, I think to have or make a cathartic experience of drawing onself naked  is rewarding. I  Maria Callas playing in the background and for an hour I continuously drew my outline with chalk of various colours, continuously rolling and folding my body in different positions sometimes I tried to invoke a frenetic sense or movement to the experience almost to loose onself in a voodoo sense.

This I began to make from plaster of paris, however I realised that I laid it thinly which only works on the flat however I will use this in my next project which is about transforming the work we have made at the start of this project.

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