Thursday, 26 April 2012

One week project on the body

This one week project is on the body , which should measure half our body size and reflect our personality or parts of our personality.
My response to this started with making cerebal parts out of clay which are suggestive of the brain yet not.This collection of clay I began by rolling them out , then intertwined them and then moulded them into one piece , which I then placed together linking them with wire .The idea that all thoughts are made in the brain ,come from the brain, our personality is formed in the brain , so hence this response and also considering that our bodies go back to clay I thought it rather apt.
My second response  is a phallic one, the idea that the phallus is a governing action of which man is subjected to willingly or unwillingly , consciously or subconsciously in a Freudian way. I made an erect clay penis to explore the idea of how much man is governed by the phallus and the thought that creates.
My third response is a cube covered by yesterdays daily papers , the idea that all personalities exist on paper can be read about on paper, and can be analysed on paper ,with daily reports on paper of  all the human conditions that exist and that make our world as we are.
My fourth and final piece is a building mesh which I perforated with industrial bolts again the bolts representing thoughts and flashes of thought which form the personality and all housed in the mesh representing the body.