Tuesday, 13 December 2011

The compositions

 These are images of my new 3D sculpture , which I am currently making .Whilst they can be difficult to source , I think  the result will be very good. The idea is to make a city like structure which has its origins in the project , whereby  I took the futurist movement as my motion and movement brief . In the futurist manifesto they argued , that the new art should depcit motion and movement and that technology is the future of humanity.Almost one hundred years later and we are on the biggest wave of technology that the human race has ever experienced.In fact these memory boards are emblematic of our modern day movement , so this structure will replicate notion and movement in a residual way whereby these are the structures of modern day and the structures of our future or the destrution of our future depending on your view point .

Monday, 12 December 2011

Well I have been sourcing some more memory boards but I need a lot more , so this is a request if anybody has an old hard drive I will gladly take it from you . I would appreciate any help on this matter. I have been to various dumps and so forth , but some people are under the impression that information can be sourced from them , but apparently not , from the memory board . So if anybody has more enlightened suggestions or advice I would appreciate it and remember if you have an old hard drive in the shed I will collect it and dispose of the remains afterwards.
So at this juncture I would like to bestow the goodwill season on all my fellow students and tutors and spare a thought for our African brothers , less fortunate than us, and lets hope that we all have an artistic New year full of huge inspiration and  great creative ideas .

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

New art sculpture

I am starting a new art project , this stemmed from my initial research into the futurist movement , whereby I focused on the residual effect of  movement , which led me to investigate scanned luggage .I followed the futurist manifesto , which was mostly  about the modernity of a new age and the technology involved in this new age .
After I made a 3D intsallation , whereby I used again items of residual effect of movement, I began using computer boards , I  am facinated both with the compositional structure and the sense of movement whereby these are the residual effect of modern movement in all technology, and aptly enough they resemble so much of our modern age, insofar as some memory boards look like contained cities in themselves , they look like urban warehouse developement , they look like underground systems , they in a way are reflective of us and our modern age , everything moves through them onto to us , they are the essence of modern movement.
So I am now hoping to make a city like structure of them , which I have already started , though sourcing the memory boards is involving quiet a bit of dump collection hence this may take a block of time to finish.